Data systems transform raw data into valuable, actionable information for a variety of applications and industries. They encompass all the technologies that are involved in collecting data and processing it, then storing it, and transmitting it. They include hardware, software networks, storage, switching and interconnection devices and mechanisms. Data systems also contain middleware software that allows different operating and administrative systems to communicate with one other.

The Pandemic-Ready Data Modernization Initiative of the CDC, for example, is designed to improve the data system within state and local departments of health, allowing them to better respond to public health emergencies like COVID-19. This initiative is an essential element of President Biden’s plan to prepare the nation for another pandemic. Colleges are crucial to this effort because they play an important part in the development the necessary elements of a data system.

In essence, any organized collection of symbols and their manipulating actions can be regarded as a data system. Human-speech analysis at the level of phonemes is one such example, as are an Incan artefact called the khipu or a picture stored in pixels.

A satellite in orbit generates constant streams of data, which must be stored, processed, and sent back to Earth. This onboard data handling system is essentially a computer however, not the one we can buy off the shelf that we have on our desktops. The components of spacecraft’s onboard data systems must be designed and built to meet the specific requirements of space, which is covered in radiation that quickly degrades unprotected microprocessors. The onboard data handling systems also have to handle telecommands that are sent to the spacecraft for control purposes and gather housekeeping telemetry, that is required to downlink to Earth.

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