The planning of a board meeting can be a big task. Plan a specific agenda and distribute all materials in advance. Also, ensure that everyone is present at the meeting. It’s important to keep the meeting focused but you should also be able to enjoy yourself. In fact, the best method to encourage high participation is to draw on the special skills of your board members.

It’s also a good idea to send an email prior to the board meeting, which outlines the expected attendance. This will reduce the chance of late-night cancellations and make sure that all participants have all the information needed to be productive at the meeting.

Reviewing the minutes of previous board meetings is an important aspect of preparing. This will help the board to understand what was discussed at previous meetings, and allow them to shape the topics of discussion accordingly.

The most frequent board meeting topic is an assessment of the company’s performance since the last meeting. This may include discussions of the numbers of sales, marketing traffic, and other relevant metrics. It is important to highlight milestones and accomplishments but also to look at areas that could be improved including missed targets or the increase in expenses.

It is also important to focus on compliance and legal issues in order to ensure compliance to ethical standards and laws. This is a place where having a designated record-keeper can be particularly useful, as they can document discussions and decisions for future meetings.

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