activity based costing

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activity based costing

Comparison of Results Under Both Costing Methods

This cost accounting method recognizes the relationship between costs, overhead activities, and manufactured products, assigning indirect costs to products less arbitrarily than traditional costing methods. However, some indirect costs—such as management and office staff salaries—are difficult to assign to a product. It improves product costing procedure as compared to traditional costing because it recognizes that many so called fixed overhead costs change in proportion to changes other than the production units. It means, under ABC, the other two activities-batch level and product level are assumed to influence fixed overhead costs and batch and product level, thus are accepted as non-unit based cost drivers. Let’s discuss by looking at two products manufactured by the same company.

  • A factory overhead rate for each routinely-performed activity is calculated by dividing the total budgeted cost amount for the activity for a period by the budgeted activity base quantity over the same time frame.
  • For example, PCB Ltd. is manufacturing circuit board for computer monitor, TV and aeroplane.
  • Activities can be perceived as consumers of resources in production of materials, services, events, or information.
  • That means, overhead expenses are initially identified with the cost centres (i.e., departments, divisions, branches, etc.) and then, they are identified with, and charged to, the products.
  • As the tables above illustrate, with activity based costing the cost per unit decreases from $0.46 to $0.37 because the cost of the setup activity is spread over 50,000 units instead of 5,000 units.

The Calculation of Product Costs Using the Activity-Based Costing Allocation Method

Refer to drivers which directly charge for the resources used each time as activity is performed. Duration drivers establish an average hourly rate of performing an activity while intensity drivers involve direct charging based on the actual activity resources relevant to a product. Generally, the products are cost objects, but the customers, services or locations can also be the cost objects. (b) It charges overhead cost to product according to activities involved in the product instead of using average overhead distribution rate as in case of traditional method.

The Service Industries and Their Use of the Activity-Based Costing Allocation Method

  • For example, factory insurances, factory manager’s salary, rent, rates and taxes of the factory premises.
  • Prepare Product Cost Statement under traditional Absorption Costing and Activity-based Costing Method.
  • The sum of all the activity costs is the amount of factory overhead applied to the job.
  • For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online.
  • Activity based costing recognizes that the special engineering, special testing, machine setups, and others are activities that cause costs—they cause the company to consume resources.

Thus, product will be charged for both machine related set up activity cost and inspection activity cost. These Include types of transactions which result in overhead costs e.g., purchase orders processed, customer orders processed, inspections performed and the set-ups undertaken, all count the number of times an activity is performed. It increases the number of cost pools used to accumulate overhead costs. Thus, instead of accumulating overhead costs-in a single company- wise pool or departmental pools, the costs are accumulated by activities. ABC is a special costing model that identifies activities in an organization and assigns the cost of each activity with resources to all products and services according to the actual consumption by each activity. Because activity-based costingprovides more information, it takes more time than traditional costsystems.

Activity Based Costing – Evolution of ABC

activity based costing

With an activity-based costing system, manufacturers can see how efficient their production system is, where overspending occurs and where waste is present. If you think this sounds similar to the Lean project management methodology, you’re right. In fact, management accounting is a key part of the Six Sigma methodology.

activity based costing

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There would, for example, be little point in producing Deluxe units at all if their higher selling price did not justify the higher costs incurred. Service industries also have cost drivers and can benefit from analyzing what drives their costs. There is a very high probability of an ABC system providing a different picture of product costs than what is provided by the traditional system. However, since both methods make assumptions about the behaviour and cause of costs, it cannot be said with certainty that ABC shall always produce more precise results than traditional costing. A cost pool is a collection of overhead costs that are logically related to the tasks being performed. Cost pool is like a Cost centre or activity centre around which costs are accumulated.

4: Activity-based costing for a manufacturing business to estimate factory overhead

In traditional costing system, overhead costs are assumed to be influenced by only units produced. It means, in traditional costing system, cost of batch level, product level and facility level activities is fixed costs, i.e., costs of these do not change as production volume changes. Unit-based cost systems apportion fixed overhead to individual products and variable overheads are directly assigned to products using the base of number of units produced.

activity based costing

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