Online board meetings can be a valuable source of effective decision-making. If they’re conducted properly, they could cause boredom and low engagement. To keep your virtual meetings lively be sure to follow these simple guidelines to improve the overall quality of your discussions and boost efficiency.

Share the agenda with participants prior to the meeting to ensure everyone is aware of what will be discussed. Consider asking your group to be able to watch the meeting from a place that is calm and free of distractions. Also, you can ask your participants to use your virtual meeting software’s “raise hand” function whenever they wish to speak to prevent over-talking and missing the main point.

Keep the meeting focused on the most important issues by establishing a set maximum amount of time to speak for each item. This will allow everyone to take part and keeps discussions from getting off-topic or distracting other participants. It is a good idea to ask your board members to mute their microphones when not speaking to block background noises such as pets, children and coworkers.

Last but not least, end the meeting promptly. This is a way to show respect for the time of your fellow board members. It is also a best method to distribute the minutes when the meeting concludes. It can also be helpful to simplify the process of recording and distributing minutes by making use of the built-in features in the software you use to manage your board, such as inline task delegate.

This will ensure that everyone is on the same page in regards to what transpired at the meeting and what has to be done between meetings.

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